Size Guide & Care Instructions

So that we can offer you the widest choice of quality products in a range of styles and at the most competitive price, Kids-Biz works with many different factories and brands.
For this reason, we do not produce a single size chart.
Even within brands, sizes do vary so always consult the size tab on our website for the individual product for the most detailed information. Should you require further help with sizing do use our contact links at the bottom of every page.
How do I measure my child?
When ordering online, it is important that you know the size of your child. Some of our products are sold by age, but many give chest or waist measurements and even length or inside leg.
This video was produced by David Luke, one of our schoolwear manufacturers and will guide you in how to take the correct measurements for all brands.
Downloadable Tape Measure
IF you do not have a tape measure to hand, why not print one out? Use this link to download a 150cm tape measure.
Care Instructions
Please read a useful blog provided by David Luke, one of our school uniform manufacturers. This gives guidance on the best cleaning methods for a variety of materials commonly used in the production of clothing. It will be relevant for all brands which we supply.